I well know that when it comes to any content that I post online that it is important for me to go over the work on a regular basis. This is because there are people out there that really need a Hobby Lobby, and have nothing better to do then to stay so glued to another person’s side that my proctologist is sure as shit going to inform me that they found your psychiatrist. Have any of you, readers, felt as though you are not only cyber shadowed to an extreme degree, but that your life… your daily life has been affected? The easy answer would seem to just stay off of the internet and the cell phone preoccupation. This is a difficult reality to apply when the world lures dependency upon your time and attention in this realm of human existence. Kind of sad, isn’t it? Convenient as it may be to use technology in this data driven, neuro cotton candy mess of fear and greed, and our consumer denial of the impact that it has on our mental health. This is an old argument to state with passion to the public, I realize. However, we are overlooking the driven call of our beings to whatever purpose that we once set for ourselves to achieve. We have negated our very excited child that knew damn well what we were going to be when we grew up. Nothing was going to stop us. Now, all grown up, we declare the common complaint about where the time has gone, and due to the typical reference of this declaration… there is no helping aspect to blow past our downhearted dismay that we overcome it and claim that superhero place in society. Just like we always knew that we would when we were four and wanted our own tights and capes. Well, snap out of it. By the time that this age realizes that we are missing out on the best parts of ourselves… superheroes will be standing in line to handle the situation. I’ve been here for far too long, and it is lonely. There is a need for new brainstorming that humbles our human trait of being to return us to our rightful place. Have a wonderful day.

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